As you've noticed the blog has a new look and new direction overall. I decided to address the changes and a little bit about my brainstorming process when redesigning the blog.
As many of you noticed (and I quite heavily publicized on social media and my newsletter) I have updated my blog, and it has a new direction and look overall. I know some people who visit my blog often had questions about why the new direction for the blog, and what other changes if any could be expected. I was going to address the changes in one of my typical long winded paragraph by paragraph posts, but instead I decided to do something a little bit different so instead it will be more of an FAQ or Q&A style post.
What are some of the major changes to the blog?
The biggest change is that I will be more consistent than I ever was before. I will be uploading blog posts several times a week and have weekly segments such as Woman of the Week of WOW and other weekly segments that I will be introducing in the coming months. Another change is that I removed the College Life page (more details below) and added the Girl Power page to my blog instead. I also added the option to comment using Facebook on my blog posts. Other than that some small changes include updated pictures, a few more fun facts about my on my About Me page and an option to like the Kennedy C Media Facebook page (plus a lot more shameless self promotion for my youtube channel and podcast too).
Why did you remove the College Life page?
When I first started my blog, I thought I would have more to write about from the perspective of a college student and while I have learned a lot as a college student I believe every college student has a unique experience and what I write about as a Junior in Texas who commutes to school each day might not be relevant to a Freshman living on campus in the East Coast. I thought about keeping the page, but I wasn't inspired to write anything for it. My blog's host site only allows five pages per website (unless I pay more monthly, which I didn't want to do) so I decided I had better things to write about that wore more relevant and would grow with me even when I graduate from college. I decided that if I do write any more college related content I will add it to the "Other" page.
Why the Girl Power page and what can we expect on this page?
In case you didn't read the About Me page (you should if you haven't!) my experience in writing has been heavily focused on topics regarding women including Her Campus, Woman2Woman Magazine and Her Culture Magazine. My experience has made me familiar with topics regarding women, and I've had the pleasure of writing stories as they broke such as an article for Her Campus about the accomplishments of women during the 2018 Winter Olympics and the news that women and Saudi Arabia were legally allowed to drive for Her Culture Magazine. Writing about topics like this as the stories broke made me happy, and I wanted to bring some of this joy to my blog, plus the topic of Girl Power is near and dear to my heart. As you might have read on my homepage I love comic books and as a woman who reads comic books I've constantly heard that comic books aren't for women and women cannot be superheroes, I want to break this stereotype and prove women can be superheroes or anything else they want to be. In general what you can expect on the Girl Power page is anything having to do with women doing great things, big steps toward equality and of course the Woman of the Week or WOW.
What is Kennedy C Media and why do you mention it on the blog now?
For about as long as I've had my blog, I've also had my Youtube Channel which is my pride and joy and my podcast which I love to record. Along with my blog I realized my three big projects are media based and I wanted to be able to refer to my Youtube Channel, Blog and Podcast easily, so I named my brand Kennedy C Media. Sometimes when I say Kennedy C Media I also refer to my Facebook Page which is also called Kennedy C Media and my Instagram @KennedyC_Blog which is also going to be revamped soon. I mention Kennedy C Media on my blog a lot for several reasons first of all because I am proud of my projects, second because if you like me and like what I write on here you'll probably like my videos and podcast and lastly because I only advertise Kennedy C Media myself and do not pay for any kind of advertising or marketing so it is crucial that I use every outlet possible to promote my projects including my blog. Kennedy C Media will also include some fun exciting secret projects in the near future and I would like you all to be the first to know about those when they happen so I won't stop mentioning Kennedy C Media any time soon.
Overall why did you decide to revamp the blog?
Honestly I want to be transparent with my readers, and I was not happy with how much I had been neglecting writing for the blog. First of all I was paying monthly to keep my blog and my domain name, and not writing a single word. The price does not bother me in the least bit if I know I am putting my everything into it and reaching even one person that likes my content, but that wasn't the case. I had been waiting for a time to revamp the blog, and I wanted to come up with something fresh and new that would pull everything together. Eventually I decided the fresh and new aspect would be the Girl Power page, but I still needed to choose the perfect time to revamp the blog and debut it. I decided that International Women's Day especially with the Girl Power page would be the perfect time to officially introduce the revamped blog. I guess what I'm trying to say is I decided to revamp my blog, because I wanted to give 100% to myself and to my readers and the only way to do that would be a (somewhat) fresh start, keeping the aspects of the blog that I do like and scrapping, re-doing and replacing the aspects of the blog I didn't like anymore.
What can you say about the future of KennedyCBlog.com?
I do not know what the future holds! A while back I interviewed Samantha Barry the Editor in Chief of Glamour Magazine and asked her if Glamour would ever go digital like many of the other Conde Nast publications, she told me that she did not want the magazine to go digital but she didn't have a crystal ball to see the future. Only a few months later the news broke that Glamour would be going digital aside from a few special print issues throughout the year. This always makes me thing about how unpredictable the future can be (even when you're in charge of it) and how media is always evolving and it is crucial that those of us in media evolve with it. All I know is that I will continue to promote my blog and Kennedy C Media in general, and unlike before I will not neglect the blog I will write consistently and come up with new, creative, relevant and engaging content as often as possible.